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近年来,智能手机的功能日趋强大,移动终端应用程序层出不穷。由于现在人们的工作繁忙,手机的丢失似乎也成为常有的事。与之带来最让人烦心的是私人数据的丢失及带来的不安全隐患。基于以上原因,本文设计了一款手机防盗追踪软件。本软件利用 Android系统的广播机制,当手机用户开启防盗追踪功能后,本程序将后台监听手机开机启动、信号状态、短信收发以及位置的改变,通过监听手机用户 SIM 卡的 IMSI码的改变来判断手机安全状态,监听并截获安全短信内容,实现非法用户的手机号码向合法用户预先设置的安全号码发送特殊信息的功能,告知用户当前手机状态和位置信息,并可通过安全短信控制被盗手机锁屏、销毁隐私数据、发报警音等功能。最后将设计完成的软件进行测试,其所有功能都完美实现,真正起到了手机防盗追踪的作用。
In recent years, the intelligent mobile phone function is powerful, the mobile terminal application emerge in an endless stream. Because now people's busy work, the lost mobile phone also seems to be mon thing. And bring the most disturbing is a private data loss and insecurity hidden trouble. Based on the above reasons, this paper introduces the design of a mobile phone anti-theft tracking software. This software uses Android system broadcast mechanism, when the mobile phone users to open anti-theft tracking function, the program will monitor the background mobile phone boot, signal condition, send and receive text messages and a change of location, through the monitoring mobile phone user SIM card IMSI code changes to determine mobile phone safety state, monitor and intercepts a secure message content, realize the illegal user the mobile phone number to the legitimate user preset safety numbers to send special message to inform the user of mobile phone function, current status and location information, and through SMS security control of stolen mobile phone lock screen, the destruction of privacy data, send alarm sound and other functions. pleted the design of the software testing, all of its functions are perfect, played a real mobile phone anti-theft tracking function.
Keywords: Android system DroidRing Broadcasting mechanism Listener
1 绪论 1
应用开发研究背景与意义 1
国内外研究现状 2
国内研究状况 2
国外研究状况 2
开发研究内容 3
2 手机防盗应用开发的基础 4
Java基础 4
Android基础 4
3 手机防盗应用方案的设计 5
UI设计 5
UI窗口层 6
UI主层 8
UI功能体验层 8
UI指令查看层 9


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