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上传人:小泥巴 2014/1/14 文件大小:0 KB




Waiting For the Breeze
By Marti Attoun
“No air conditioning? How can you sleep?” a friend asks, horrified. I've just revealed that my family has decided to turn the air conditioner off and trim our electric bill.
“Nobody opens a window, day or night,” warns another friend, whose windows have been painted shut for a decade. “It's just not safe.”
On this first night of our cost cutting adventure, it's 30 degrees. We're not going to suffer, but the three kids grumble anyway. They've grown up in 22-fort, insulated from the world outside.
“How do you open these windows?” my husband asks. Jiggling the metal tabs, he finally releases one. A potpourri of bug bodies decorates the sill. As we spring the windows one by one, the night noises howl outside - and in.
“It's just too hot to sleep,” my 13-year-old plains.
“I'm about to die from this heat,” her brother yells down the passage.
"Just try it tonight," I tell them.
In truth I'm too tired to argue for long. I'm exhausted after attending Grandma's estate auction. I toted home her oval tin bathtub and the chair I once stood on like a big shot behind the counter of her shop, packing chocolate and rolling coins.
My face is sweaty, but I lie quietly listening to the cricket choirs outside that remind me of childhood. The neighbor’s dog howls. Probably a trespassing squirrel. It's been years since