In munication systems, error control coding is usually used to improve system reliability. Since put forward the convolutional coding the first time, the coding is still showing strong vitality.,has e widely used in munications, munications and many munication systemsas a kind of channel coding method. such as GSM, CDMA2000 and has been a munication standards of IS-95.
In view of the error problem in the process of N-CDMA data transmission, this paper discusses the aims to improve the quality of data transmission of victor design than the decoder.
Although Viterbi plexity is bigger, more difficult to achieve, but high efficiency and fast speed. So this article emphatically analyzed and discussed the 1/2 rate (2,1,9) convolution code coding and its Viterbi decoding algorithm. In-depth study on principle of convolution code coding and Viterbi algorithm, proposed the convolution code coding and Viterbi algorithm (2,1,9) initialization, add - than - choose and back design, using look-up table method, to avoid a large amount of tedious calculation, the decoding and quick, good real-time performance of the decoder. Make full use of the series of TMS320C54X DSP chip, using assembly language plete the(2,1,9)convolution code coding and Viterbi decoding process.
Keywords: error control coding, convolutional code, Viterbi decoding, TMS320C54X
摘要 1
Abstract 2
目录 3
移动通信及N-CDMA背景 1
数字通信概述 1
卷积编码与译码的发展 3
主要研究工作 3
DSP概述 5
DSP的主要特点 5
CSSU单元概述 7