通讯联系人:郭怀忠,博士,副教授,Tel: (0312)5971107,E-mail:ghuaizh@
郭怀忠1, 2,张斌1,王配1,景浩然1,王敏1
(1. 河北大学药学院,河北保定 071002;
2. 河北省药物质量研究重点实验室,河北保定 071002)
摘要:建立了SPE-HPLC法测定藿香正气水中厚朴酚与和厚朴酚含量的分析方法。采用硅胶SPE小柱提取纯化样品。色谱柱:C18(250 mm× mm .,5 µm),以甲醇-水-乙腈-冰醋酸(70∶25∶5∶)为流动相, mL·min-1,检测波长为294 nm,柱温为室温。SPE~-80 μg·mL-1 (r=),~40 μg·mL-1 (r=) 范围内与其峰面积线性关系良好。%,%,%,%。该方法快速、简便、准确、重现性好,能有效地控制藿香正气水的质量。
关键词:SPE HPLC 藿香正气水厚朴酚和厚朴酚
Determination of Magnolol and Honokiol in Huoxiangzhengqi Water by SPE-HPLC
GUO Huaizhong1, 2, ZHANG Bin1, WANG Pei1, JING Haoran1, WANG Min1
(1. School of Pharmacy, Hebei University, Baoding 071002; China;
2. Hebei Key Laboratory of Drug quality research, Baoding 071002; China)
Abstract: A SPE-HPLC method for determining the contents of Magnolol and Honokiol in Huoxiangzhengqi Water was established. Samples were purified by silica gel SPE column. The HPLC column used in the experiment was C18 (250 mm× mm ., 5 µm), and the mobile phase was methanol-water-acetonitrile-acetic acid (70: 25: 5: ). The flow rate of the mobile phase was mL·min-1 and detection wavelength was 294 nm. The experiment was plished at room temperature. It had good linear relationship between the peak areas of Magnolol and Honokiol and their conc