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上传人:luyinyzha 2015/12/16 文件大小:0 KB





摘要: 本课题是为工厂车间等场所搬运货物而设计的脚踏液压升降台,是工业生产的必然产物。滚轮式脚踏式液压升降平台车由优质钢材、液压泵、液压缸、油管、脚轮等有机组合而成,它可以代替人手的繁重劳动,显著减轻工人的劳动强度,改善劳动条件,提高劳动生产率和自动化水平。


Roller-type hydraulic lifting platform
pedal car design

Abstract :This issue is roller-type hydraulic lifting platform pedal car design for places such as factory and machine shop for cargo handling , it is a inevitable product in industrial machine is posed by high-quality steel ,hydraulic cylinder ,hydraulic pump,pipeline, casters and so can replace the heavy manual labor,significantly reduce labor intensity and improve working conditions and raise the level of labor productivity and automation.
The biggest load of this snorkel described in this article is 500kg and the platform consists of two parts: body and the hydraulic system lift .The operation and control of the snorkel pleted by a set of hydraulic systems and hydraulic cylinders,also bination of all of the hydraulic system are stored in the hydraulic pump .Both hydraulic pumps and hydraulic cylinders are standard, the former is a single hydraulic cylinder and the later is Pedal type。firstly,This article expound the required maximum pressure the hydraulic cylinder bear that need to up the goods through the support of the hinge force analysis .according to this,the standard and model choice of the hydraulic pump, hydraulic cylinde are determined,And it describes relevant hydraulic system principles and account oil volume of the hydraulic addition, this paper check the strength of the hinge frame and the axes at both ends of the Hydraulic cylinder by ma


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