【摘要】目的观察单侧眼睑痉挛(unilateral blepharospasm,UBS)的预后及其A型肉毒毒素(botulinum toxin A,BTXA)干预的远期疗效。方法对1998年9月至2006年1月143例UBS接受BTXA局部注射治疗的病例和102例非治疗组UBS病例进行长期跟踪随访。治疗组所用BTXA的浓度为25 u/ml,除眼轮匝肌颞侧部位注射5 u外, u,末次注射后随访时间为3~7年。结果 %(112/143),%(31/143);发展为半面痉挛(hemifacial spasm,HFS)%(27/143);%(86/89),3~%(25/33),%(1/21)。%(13/102),%(89/102);%(81/102)。HFS的发生率治疗组较非治疗组低(P<)。结论部分UBS可发展为HFS,BTXA干预可治愈UBS,并可阻止其进一步发展为HFS。
[Abstract] Objective To observe the prognosis and the long-term therapeutic efficacy of botulinus toxin A (BTXA) in the interventional treatment for
unilateral blepharospasm(UBS).Methods This was a retrospective study involving 143 UBS patients who received local BTXA injection treatment between September 1998 and January 2006 (treatment group).A total of 102 UBS patients who did not receive treatment (non-treatment group). The concentration of BTXA used was 25 u/ml,and the dose injected at each site was u,but the site of orbicularis muscle at the temple side was 5 u. Follow-up was performed for 1~7 years after the final For the UBS treatment group,the three-year recovery rate was % (112/143),and recurrence rate was % (31/143),and the incidence of HFS was %(27/143);recovery ra