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文档介绍:Group 3 Smile
Company Profile: Rambo trade Co., Ltd
pany was established in May 1998, has many famous enterprises at home and abroad. Established a long-term friendly business relationship with pany. Company mainly engaged in shoes and cloth. Recent years pany has reached annual sales of as much as 2,500,000. business prospects and good, the next time, pany will expand the scale of operation and steady development of corporate economic, sincerely seeking partners, good faith cooperation and mon development.
Adidas Co;Ltd was founded in 2000, pany is located in Nanan City, Fujian Province is a development, production, sales as one of the new enterprise. The registered capital is $15,800,000. the total area of ​​58,000 square meters, including workshop area of ​​12,800 square meters. pany has strong technical force, advanced equipment, perfect management system, extensive work, excellent after sales service, products sold abroad by domestic and foreign customers.
Company Profile: Adidas Co;Ltd
兰博王贸易有限公司的李明向Adidas Co;
Rambo trade Co., Ltd Lujiang Road Nanan City, Fujian Province,China.
September 4, 2011
Adidas Co;Ltd.
Ulcanlar Caddesi 34/A, Ankara
E-mail: lala@
Dear Sirs, We have your name and address from the Alibaba . We take this opportunity to write to you with a view to set up friendly business relations with you. pany dealing specially with the products of sport shoes. We are in a position to order products according to the customer's needs. The shoes of adidas are very popular in china. We would like to work with you to market them in china. In order to know a general idea of your products, please send us your price list and sample as soon as you receive our letter. We are looking forward to you early reply. Yours faithfully, Li Ming, Sales Manager


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