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Photography in human life has e mon forms of entertainment, photography art along with the development of information era produced tremendous change, it serves as a visual language in the life of the people is ing more and more high, largely, photography has e the expression of thoughts and feelings of the important ways. In photography, personal experience in the whole creative process influences the evaluation of the record of work of the most important factors. LOMO is a new style of photography derivatives, it is not only representative of today's young people have new understanding to the art of photography, more contemporary photography dream and photography. LOMO photography is produced, is the demand of the times, which conform to the young generation of the new photography style of interpretation, it is the civilized step. LOMO camera photo special, bright, sometimes obscure, attracting the contemporary young people, use it to write the diary, pat DV, record the time instant, has e a new direction of photography. Along with the LOMOGRAPHY gradually rise, and in the subsequent thirty years formed a photography enthusiasts sought after agitation. It is widely used in the film and television works, magazines, advertising etc.. For LOMO this impromptu aesthetics tidal objects, how to determine its style and give an parison and interpretation, how to treat its prospect, correctly understand the operation principle, photography, mapping techniques are worthy of lea


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