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文档介绍:Principles of positioningCorrect positioning techniques help to?prevent clinician fort and injury?permit a clear view of the tooth being worked on ?allow easy access to the teeth during instrumentation?Facilitate efficient treatment of the patientEvidence-based knowledge of positioning?A work-related musculoskeletal disorder is a injury-affecting the musculoskeletal, peripheral nervous, and neurovascular systems—that is caused or aggravated by prolonged repetitive forceful or awkward movements, poor posture, ill-fitting chairs and equipment, or a fast-paced injury 1 Clinician position1 Neutral position for the clinician?Research indicates that over 80 percent of dental plain of pain in their upper body and back.?Neutral position is the ideal positioning of the body while performing work activities and is associated with decreased risk of musculoskeletal seated position?forearms parallel to the floor?Weight evenly balanced?Hip angle of 90°?Seat height positioned low enough so that you are able to rest the heels of your feet on the floorNeutral neck positionGoal:?Head tilt of 0~15°?The line from eyes to the treatment area should be as near to vertical as possibleAvoid?Head tipped too far forward?Head tilted to one sideNeutral back positionGoal:?Learning forward slightly from the waist or hips?Trunk flexion of o~20°Avoid?Overflexion of the spine (curved back)Neutral shoulder positionGoal:?Shoulder in horizontal line?Weight evenly balanced when seatedAvoid?Shoulders lifted up toward ears?Shoulder hunched forward?Sitting with weight on one hip


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