文档介绍:Data Warehousing In The Mobile munication IndustriesData Warehousing In The Mobile munication IndustriesTerry YeoPractice DirectorWong Bak WeiSolution ArchitectTerry YeoPractice DirectorWong Bak WeiSolution ArchitectWhat is Data WarehousingWhat is Data WarehousingBasic SituationBusinesses need more information faster to petitive. Businesses have lots of data, but little is catching up to the petitionwFaster Business CycleswMergers & DownsizingNeed Information!!!Advanced Analysis Capabilities!!!Need Information!!!Advanced Analysis Capabilities!!!Data vs. InformationwData is there but…–Fragmented –Not Integrated –Poor Performance–Low IT Priority–Only DataFinanceBilling/CDRCustomerCareResulting in...wPeople are still making decisions –Information or no information...–Single version of the truth or no single version of the truth...Technology puters wMore Sophisticated ToolswCheaper Cost of Data StorageFinanceFinanceBilling/CDRCustomerCareData WarehouseTechnologyData WarehouseTechnologySo What is a Data Warehouse ?“a process that transforms data into information so that the full business value of this data may be realized…”“Core” Data WarehouseDataSourcesExternalDataSystemsSystemsExtraction &TransformationMetadata RepositoryData ess &AnalysisData Warehouse FunctionsArchitectureManagementData MartManagementData Data WarehouseWarehouseManagementManagementInformationInformationNeedsNeedsIdentificationIdentificationData Data WarehousingWarehousingDecisionDecisionsupportsupportMetadataMetadataManagementManagementFunctionProgramPutting It Into Perspective...w85% of Fortune 500wFastest Growing Segment mercial IT Spendingw$ in 1996; %Annual GrowthwIDC Survey: Average ROI = 401%!w…but 1 in 2 are Failing