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文档介绍:《商务管理宝典》的翻译实践报告重庆大学硕士学位论文(专业学位)学生姓名:何梦丽指导教师:朱万忠教授学位类别:翻译硕士重庆大学外国语学院二O一四年四月A Report onMy Translationof Dear Boss A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for theProfessional DegreeByHe MengliSupervised by Prof. Zhu WanzhongSpecialty:MTISchool of Foreign Languages and Cultures,Chongqing University, ChinaApril 2014重庆大学硕士学位论文中文摘要I摘要本翻译实践报告是笔者在翻译翠希·尼克尔森(Trish Nicholson)的《商务管理宝典:调教员工52妙招》(Dear Boss: 52 Ways To Develop Your Staff)(以下简称《商务管理宝典》)的实践基础上完成的。原著是一本商务管理方面的指导书,为企业管理者提供了职员培训和自我发展的方法意见。基于原著的文本功能,译作需要忠实再现原文信息,同时满足目的语读者的需要。德国翻译理论家凯瑟琳娜·赖斯的文本类型翻译理论注重在原文功能的基础上确定翻译方法,能够有效指导原著的翻译。本文以这一理论为理论依据,以《商务管理宝典》翻译实践中的具体案例为蓝本,结合归化翻译法,分析如何在词汇上采用增译、省译、转换等方法,在句法上采用借用法、拆分、重构、主被动转换等方法,在篇章上以一致性和连贯性为原则进行翻译的方法来实现交际目的。最后对翻译实践进行总结,提出一些个人经验与思考:一方面,译者要根据文本类型选择翻译方法;一方面要不断积累学习,提高中英文素养,为读者提供准确、可读、优美的译文。关键词:《商务管理宝典》;商务管理类书籍的翻译;文本类型翻译理论;归化翻译重庆大学硕士学位论文英文摘要IIABSTRACTThis translation report pleted on the basis of the translation of the book Dear Boss: 52 Ways to Develop Your Staffwritten by Trish Nicholson,which is mercialmanagementandprovides practical ways of staff development and self-development for managers. Due to the functionof the book, thetranslated versionshouldfaithfully reproduce the original oneand also meet the needs of target readers. The text typology, proposed by Katharina Reiss, a German translation theorist, points out that the function of the original text justifies translation methods, giving guidance for the translation. Based on the theory, the author chooses some typical examples in the translation practice and analyzes the domestication translation strategies from aspects of words, sentence structures and discourses, respectively adopting amplification, omission and conversion of parts of speech on lexical level; borrowing, cutting, adjusting and conversion of passive and active voice on syntactic level; methods based on principles of consistency and coherence on discourse level. Finally, the