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文档介绍:密级:学校代码:10075 分类号:学号:20120672翻译硕士学位论文《中国金融稳定报告(2013)》翻译实践报告学位申请人:史欣谱指导教师:郑朝红 副教授甄雪艳学位类别:翻译硕士学科专业:英语笔译授予单位:河北大学答辩日期:二○一四年六月 Classified Index: CODE: 10075 : NO: 20120672 A Dissertation for the Degree of MTI A Practice Report on the Translation of China Financial Stability Report,2013Candidate: Shi Xinpu Supervisor: Associate Prof. Zheng Zhaohong Zhen Xueyan Academic Degree Applied for: MTI Specialty: English Translation University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination:June,2014 摘要I摘 要本翻译实践报告以译者对《中国金融稳定报告(2103)》中专题3、专题4两个章节的翻译为基础,介绍、分析与总结了本次金融文本翻译的过程及完成情况。本次翻译形式为汉译英。报告由任务描述、过程描述、译前准备、案例分析和实践总结五部分组成。任务描述与过程描述是对本次翻译任务的一个整体介绍。译前准备主要包括原文本分析及平行文本分析。案例分析是本次论文的核心部分,译者结合本次翻译实践中的具体案例,对翻译过程中所用到的顺译法、增译法、合并法、倒置法等翻译方法与技巧进行了分析与探讨;并对本次翻译过程中出现的错误进行了剖析。最后译者对整个翻译实践过程中的心得体会进行了总结。做好翻译,需要学的东西很多,不仅仅要掌握翻译的技巧与方法,还要有很广的知识面,也要注重日常的积累。关键词金融文本过程描述翻译方法案例分析Abstract IIAbstract This translation practice report is based on the Chinese-to-English translation of the extracts from China Financial Stability Report,2013. It analyzes and summarizes the process and performance of the financial translation task. This thesis is divided into five parts: task description, process description, preparation before translation, case analysis and summary. Task description and process description is an overall introduction to the translation task. Preparation before translation mainly includes text analysis and parallel text analysis. Case analysis is the core of this thesis. Through analyzing some specific cases, the author studies some translation methods and skills in the process of translation, such as linear translation, amplification, combination, inversion and so on. In addition, the author also analyses the errors occurred in the process of translation. The last part makes a brief summary of this translation practice. In order to do well in translation, we should not only master translation methods, but also have broad knowledge and pay attention to daily accu