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《1.5 MW风电机变桨距用针摆行星减速器的FTA分析》.pdf.pdf

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《1.5 MW风电机变桨距用针摆行星减速器的FTA分析》.pdf.pdf

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《1.5 MW风电机变桨距用针摆行星减速器的FTA分析》.pdf.pdf



文档介绍:第33卷第3期辽宁工业大学学报(自然科学版)Vol .33, 2013年6 月Journal of Liaoning University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)Jun. 2013收稿日期:2013-04-14 基金项目:辽宁省教育厅科学研究一般项目支撑项目(L2012486) 作者简介:董淑婧(1981-),女,山西应县人,讲师,硕士。,卢琦2,于喜年2(1. 大连科技学院机械工程系,辽宁大连116052; 2. 大连交通大学,辽宁大连116021)摘要:利用故障树分析法, MW风电机变桨距用针摆行星减速器不能正常工作作为顶事件建立故障树,并对故障树进行定量计算分析,分析了减速器的可靠度, MW风电机变桨距用针摆行星减速器不能正常工作的主要因素,为保证系统可靠运行提供了依据。关键词:故障树分析;可靠性;减速器中图分类号:TH132文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-3261(2013)03-0185-03FTA Analysis of Pin Cycloid ary Gear Reducer Usedin Propeller Pitch Variator for Wind TurbineDONGShu-jing1, LU Qi2, YU Xi-nian3(1. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian Institute of Science and Technology, Dalian 116052, China; 2. Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian, 116021,China)Abstract:Using fault tree analysis, the fault tree was established because the Pin Cycloid ary Gear Reducer Used in Propeller Pitch Variator for Wind Turbine can not do its normal work. And fault tree was analyzed through quantitative calculation, the reliability of the gear reducer was analyzed, too. The failure tree analysis discoveredthe reducer’s weak link and the influence onPin Cycloid ary Gear Reducer Used in Propeller Pitch Variator for MW Wind Turbine did not work normally, including its major factors, which provided the basis to improve the system reliable words:Fault tree analys