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文档介绍:第四部分为预告登记的效力。概括为权利保全的效力、权利顺位保全效力和破产保护效力,《物权法》虽未规定后两种效力,但从法理上理解,应当认为具有这两种效力,权利顺位保全效力和破产保护效力是以权利保全效力的应有之义,符合现代立法的价值取向。第五部分为中间处分合同的效力。即未经预告登记权利人同意所为的中间处分行为,在妨害预告登记的请求权范围内不发生物权效力,在不妨害预告登记请求权情况下可以发生物权效力,并不影响中间处分合同的效力,其原因在于登记权利人的权利仍然属于期待权,中间处分合同的签订是设定合同债权,并不能导致物权变动;预告登记对于法院判决、国家征收、强制执行等处分不动产行为是否有对抗效力应具体分析区别对待。就国家征收、拆迁而言,因国家征收使预告登记的请求权失去了实现的可能,而当然不能对抗。AbstractOn March 16, 2007 through "People's Republic of China Reality of laws" 20th stipulation: “The litigant sign buys and sells the house or other real estate real right agreement, will future realize the real right for the safeguard, according to the agreement might to the anization application advance notification the advance notification registration, agreed without the advance notification registration obligee that, punishes this real estate, does not have the real right the advance notification registration the creditor's rights eliminate or from can carry on real estate date of three the months registration not to apply for the registration the advancenotification registration expiration”.This is our country legislates a first appearance item of real estate registration article tries take the real right change as a foundation, carries on to this new real right registration system searches analyzes, and unifies the trial practice, possibly meets the question to the advance notification registration system implementation in, carries on the forward-looking exploration, has a benefit by the time to our country's advance notification registrationsystem. This article divides into five parts. First part for advance notification registration advance notification registration will be for preserves one item to have the real estate real right change take the future as the goal request power real estate right registration obligee enjoyed the repel afterward