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文档介绍:艾薇儿玛利亚凯莉Topic : Vera Wang?林璐(04)Tiffany?廖龙苑(15)Stella?林绮雯(17)Linda?曾银燕(21)JessicaVera wang fashion dress design caused a revolution, a set of gauze [g?:z]薄纱dress, like a star Tiffany‘s 6 ungual [’??gw?l] 爪的ring, symbol of divine mitment. 王薇薇的婚纱设计引起了时尚界的一场婚纱革命,一套王薇薇婚纱,就如同一颗Tiffany 的六爪钻戒一样,象征着神圣珍贵的爱情承诺。was born on June 27 in 1949, at the east side of Manhattan , New York. When she was 19 years old, her famaily moved to experiences gained in paris changed her (Vera Wang) 1949年6月27日出生于纽约曼哈顿的上东区的富裕的华裔家庭,19岁时,随父母移居时尚之都巴黎。巴黎的经历,彻底改变了王薇薇的人生轨迹。was figure skating athlete, and participated in the figure skating championships in America ,after she failed to enter into the Olympic team,she enter into the fashion ,并参加过全美花样滑冰锦标赛,在未能进入美国奥运会代表队以后, from Sarah Lawrence College ,shejoined Vogue and at age 23, became the youngest fashion editor. 从巴黎Sarah Lawrence College 毕业后,她在《Vogue》法国版杂志找到了一份工作。两年后,工作勤奋的王薇薇成了一名《Vogue》资深时装编辑。After 16 years, Vera moved on to Design Director of women's accessories for Ralph Lauren. 1988年,王薇薇跳槽到世界著名时装品牌拉夫·劳伦公司,担任服装设计总监。In 1989, she got married with Arthur Becker ,but she couldn’t find a wedding dress meet her satisfaciton . So she deciced a wedding dress for herself and gained the pliments from the guests. 1989年,Vera Wang与相识多年的高尔夫球商贝克(Arthur Becker)结婚,她找遍了美国各大婚纱店,却总也挑不出一件令自己满意的婚纱。她决定亲自设计,没想到宾客们对她设计的婚纱赞不绝口。?In 1990 Vera Wang have $400 million is sponsored by her family founded a pany that not only reflects her lifelong love of fashion, but also celebrates the romance, sensuality and spirit of modern young women.?1990年,王薇薇以家族赞助的400万美元资金,在曼哈顿开设了第一间门店,专门订做高价位新娘婚纱礼服,并以现代、简单、尊贵的设计风格,打破繁复、华丽的传统,逐渐在上流社会打开了知名度