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发展心理学11章情绪 PPT课件.ppt

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发展心理学11章情绪 PPT课件.ppt


文档介绍:CHILD DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 11 EMOTION王若茵田媛ents概念:What are :Theory of emotional 、认识和理解:Expressing,recognizing and understanding :Attachment——emotional relationships with (Page353)先天vs后天(争论)Are our emotions innately determined,Or are our displays and conceptions of emotions derived from learningthe rules and conventions of our culture?个体vs社会(统一)Even though emotions are the personal expressions of the individual's moods or feeling states,They also function as a mode of municating with others. are Emotions(Page354)plex behaviors involving physiological,expressive and ponents produced in response to some external or internal Functions of Emotions(Page354)组织和调节On one level,they serve anize and regulate the child's own also have important links to and cognition are frequently interrelated.(许多认知过程不仅产生情绪表达;儿童的情绪状态同样影响认知过程)?Of special importance is the fact that emotions serve to initiate,maitain or terminate interactions with Emotions(Page355)Three dimensions must be considered:生理:To record changes in physiological functions such as heart rate or :Conduct analyses of the child's facial expression,body movements or vocalizations.