With the continuous development of society and the expansion of market ,the market leader update everyday and retail chain industry’s status growing increasingly, so more and more business regard retail chain industry as a treasure to be tapped. The most outstanding industry is supermarket chain industries which expand and improve gradually, so the logistic management es the other new field to pursue profit. Even though supermarket chain have won great achievements by control logistic cost, yet there are still many problems in logistics cost management and control. In a word, the operator only can win more profits by solve the problems.
This article introduces the theory of logistic cost and logistic cost control in the first, and then I introduce the importance of the logistic cost control in supermarket chain operation from logistic cost section. And also I proposed supermarket chain logistics and cost control problems, and these problems through the line of the corresponding analysis, proposed measures for improvement.
Key Words:supermarket chains; logistics costs; cost control; research
一、引言 1
二、物流成本控制的理论基础 1
(二)物流成本控制的目标 2
(三)物流成本控制的基本方法 2
三、物流成本控制对连锁超市健康运营的重要性 2
(一)连锁超市运营各个环节中的物流成本的构成 2
(二)物流成本的控制对连锁超市健康运营的重要性 5
四、连锁超市物流成本控制中存在的问题 5
(一)隐性成本被忽略 5
(二)配送中心的不健全 8
(三)信息系统不完善,管理效率低 9
(四)物流业务人员不够专业,素质水平相对低 9
五、问题的改进与对策 10
(一)加强隐性物流成本的控制和管理 10
(二)完善配送中心体系,提高物流配送效率 11
(三)引进先进技术进行现代化信息化的管理和数据的及时交换 14
(四)加强对物流人才的培训和筛选 15
六、结论 15
参考文献 17
致谢 19