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Managing Core Risks In Banking: pliance
Internal Control Policy
Banking has a diversified plex financial activity which is no longer limited within the geographic boundary of a country. Since its activity involves high risk, the issue of effective internal control system, corporate governance, transparency, accountability has e significant issues to ensure smooth performance of the banking industry throughout the world. In many banks internal control is identified with internal audit; the scope of internal control is not limited to audit work. It is an integral part of the daily activity of a bank, which on its own merit identifies the risks associated with the process and adopts a measure to mitigate the Audit on the other hand is a part of Internal Control system which reinforces the control system through regular review.
According to an IMF publication Internal Control refers to the mechanism in place on a permanent basis to control the activities in anization, both at a central and at a departmental/divisional level. A ponent of effective internal control is the operation of a solid accounting and information system.
In Bangladesh analysis on the performances of the banks has pointed out that an effective internal control system could have contributed significantly in improving the performance of mercial banks if the control culture is brought in through policy guidelines and structural changes at these banks.
Internal control is the process, effected by pany's board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, the reliability of financial reporting pliance with applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies.
Internal controls are the policies and procedures established and implemented alone, or in concert with other policies or procedures, to manage and control a partic


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