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vce geography 2016-2020 implementation workshop.pptx

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/2/29 文件大小:0 KB


vce geography 2016-2020 implementation workshop.pptx



文档介绍:VCE Geography 2016-2020 Implementation workshopOverview ?Introduction to the study design and advice for teachers?Fieldwork Activity Timelines? Units 1- 4 introduced in 2016?Advice for teachers published term 1 2015?Sample examination or sample questions published in 2016Course overview? Aims? Narrative?Interconnection?ChangeCross-study specifications? Key geographical concepts?Geographical skills?Fieldwork reportConcepts in VCE GeographyPlaceSpatial associationDistanceDistributionMovementSustainabilityProcessChange ScaleRegionUnderstanding of concepts exampleExample question Unit 1: Identify the main geographical factors that have resulted in blackberry invasion at this siteExample responseThe site is located 200 metres south of a residential area that was farming land prior to the 1920s. Birds and possums distributed blackberry seeds from nearby land when using the native trees or creek at the site after feeding on blackberries planted in gardens. Prior to refrigeration it mon for houses to grow vegetables and fruit. The density of blackberry bushes is higher than sites 500 metres further downstream where regular flooding interferes with the establishment of the bushes. Concepts and Unit planning?Begin with the theme of the unit and introductions to units and areas of study?Consider the relationship between the key knowledge, key skills and the cross study specifications? Consider assessments?Shape teaching and learning activities to reflect this relationshipGeographical Skills? the table of skills? key skills?Example: analyse maps, data and other geographic information to develop descriptions and explanationsAreaDescriptionUnit relevance1234Block diagrams, digital terrain models/landscape visualisationAnalyse and annotate block diagrams of landscapes to illustrate understanding of features and processes●●Interpret time series block diagrams that demonstrate change●●Use an online three-dimensional landscape visualisation tool (. Google Earth)


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