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文档介绍:1bpi周鍊chou lien LED Principal and History LED Principal and History 2Content Introduction How LED works, What is a Diode?How can a diode produce Light? Visible light-emitting diodes (VLED)What should we do next?Interaction / Q&A3SSL 半導體照明Solid State Lighting 用半導體技術製作的光源LED Lighting Emitting anic Lighting DiodeLED HistoryFirst Low powerBlue & WhiteHigh Power4 50年前人们已经了解半导体材料可产生光线的基本知识,应用半导体PN结发光源原理制成LED问世于20世纪60年代初1962 通用电气公司的尼克?何伦亚克(NickHolonyakJr.)开发出第一种实际应用的可见光发光二极管1964年首先出现红色发光二极管,之后出现黄色LED。直到1994年,蓝色、绿色LED才研制成功。1996年由日本Nichia(日亚)成功开发出白色LED LED发展历史经历了哪些过程但由于其亮度差、价格昂贵等条件的限制,无法作为通用光源推广应用。近年来,LED制造不断进步和新材料(氮化物晶体和荧光粉)的开发和应用,各种颜色的超高亮度LED取得了突破性进展,其发光效率提高了近1000倍,色度方面已实现了可见光波段的所有颜色,其中最重要的是超高亮度白光LED的出现,使LED应用领域跨越至高效率照明光源市场成为可能。高亮度LED将是人类继爱迪生发明白炽灯泡后,最伟大的发明之一。LED发展历史经历了哪些过程LED history /content/, than 指示灯、信号灯、显示屏、景观照明等领域,日常生活中处处可见,家用电器、电话机、仪表板照明、汽车防雾灯、交通信号灯等。Introduction7It is now on the way to e the light source for the general lighting in the Architectural worldIntroduction8Light emitting diodes, commonly called LEDs, are real unsung heroes in the electronics world. They do dozens of different jobs and are found in all kinds of devices. Basically, LEDs are just tiny light bulbs that fit easily into an electrical circuit. But unlike ordinary incandescent lamps they don't have a filament that will burn out, and they don't get especially hot. They are illuminated solely by the movement of electrons in a semiconductor material, and they last just as long as a standard transistor. How LED works9What is LED?10What is a diode?LED Chip (晶粒,晶片)LensCathodeAnodeReflector