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文档介绍:黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract With the increase ofdivorce,property division especially housing segmentation e an important problem,the”marriage lawjudicial interpretation(three)”the divorce proceedings ofhousing segmentation done more detailed provisions,but these Provisions are too contract,living without room afterdivorce isdifficult to solve. China’S”marriage lawjudicialinterpretation(a)”in theprovisions ofthe”the right of habkmion”has avery important role,but on thespecificdesign ofthesystem thereare Stillblank Thisarticleisdivided thefirstpart,by afew divorce cases leads tothefocus ofthisarticle,the right ofhabitation afterdivorce;In thesecond part will introduce basic knowledge ofthe concept ofthe right ofhabitation afterdivorce, including itsmeaning and function,the origin oftheright ofhabitation,the right of habitation afterdivorce’Scharacteristics;In thethirdpart,we willlearnthelegislation in different countries around the world,for example Germany and France in the continental law system about the right of habitation after divorce,in the Anglo-American law system are emphatically introduced legislation the right of habitation afterdivorce inBritain andtheUnited theresearch andanalysis ofnational legislation there is asummary;In thefourthpart,through theresearch of othercountries’bining with our national conditions andjudicial practice, afterthe analysis oftheactual state oflegislation about the right ofhabitation after divorce,1 willput forward thesuggestions of our legislative oftheright ofhabitation afterthedivorce. Keywords:divorce;the rightofhabitation;the rights and interestsofwomen -11一万方数据目录目录中文摘要??????????????????????????????I Abstract???????????????????????????????????????·Il 绪论????????????????????????????????????????一1 一、案情介绍???????????????????????????一4 (一)案例简介??????????????????????????4 ????????????????????4 ????????????????????4 ??????????????????????5 (二)问题提出??????????????????????????6