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上传人:分享精品 2016/3/9 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:毕业论文题目: 浅谈我国轨道交通的发展学校: 系部: 专业: 姓名: 班级: 学号: 指导教师: 完成时间:年月日南京交通职业技术学院 2 浅谈我国轨道交通的发展[摘要]: 随着我国社会不断发展,城市化进程不断加快, 交通拥挤成为制约我国城市发展的重要问题之一。具有节能、快捷和大运量特征的轨道交通建设越来越受到众多关注, 轨道交通成为我国交通发展的必然趋势。我国的轨道交通发展主要表现在城际以及城市轨道交通发展。本论文立足于我国轨道交通发展,从多方面出发,介绍了我国轨道交通的发展现状及通信技术在轨道交通中的应用,分析了我国轨道交通发展过程中所面临的问题,并且提出对轨道交通未来的展望和发展对策。[ 关键词]:轨道交通;通信技术;问题;发展对策 Discussion on the development of rail transit in China Abstract: With the continuous development inour society, accelerating the process of urbanization, traffic congestion es the limiting China's city development one of the important issues. With energy-saving, efficient and large-capacity characteristics of rail transit construction of more and more attention, rail transportation e the inevitable trend of the development of transportation in China. Mainly in urban rail transit development in China as well as the development of urban rail transit. This paper based on the rail transit development in China, set off from various aspects, introduced China's current development of rail transport munication technology and its application in rail transportation, analysed the problems faced during the development of urban rail transit in China, and vision for the future of urban rail transit and development strategies. Key words: Rail transportation; communication technology; problems; and development countermeasures 南京交通职业技术学院 3 目录第一章绪论.................................................................................................................. 3 第二章轨道交通概述.................................................................................................. 4 轨道交通的概念.............................................................................................. 4 轨道交通在我国交通中的地位和作用.......................................................... 5 我国轨道交通的优点及缺点.......................................................................... 5 第三章我国轨道交通的发展...................................................................................... 6 我国轨道交通的发展历史.....


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