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上传人:gd433 2016/3/10 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:刑事非法证据排除规则问题研究个方面;适用的司法环境问题主要包括公检法相互关系对排除规则实施的影响、以刑事审判为重心的诉讼构造的缺失、过于强调事实真相的思维方式三个方面。第四部分,针对问题提出完善措施。该部分不仅对包括实体构成性规则以及程序实施性规则这样的属于规则本身的制度层面存在的缺陷提出了相应的改进措施,而且对目前阻碍非法证据排除规则运行的整体司法环境也提出了一些改进的对策及建议。相信在对排除非法证据的技术性规则进行不断完善的基础上,为该规则的运行营造一个良好的司法环境,非法证据排除规则在保障人权,维护司法公正,树立司法权威,实现社会公平正义等方面的作用就会得到比较好的体现。关键词:刑事非法证据排除规则;实体构成性规则;程序实施性规则;司法环境万方数据浙江工商大学硕士学位论文 RESEARCH oN EXCLUSIVE RULE OFCRIMINAL ILLEGAL EⅥDENCE ABSTRACT Although theexclusionary rulereform made abreakthrough,the new exclusion rulesstillcould not make full use only the current exclusionary rule itselfexists many problems at the institutionallevel,but alsotheoperating environment which impacts the implement of the rules does not fundamentally , through analyzing theconcept oftheexclusionary rulesandclarifying the important value ofitsexistence,the paper makes a furthergrooming about the rules’evolution in china and summarizes the current exclusionary rules of illegal evidence system itself as well as the deep—seated dilemmas thej udicialenvironment faced;based on them,this paper puts forward corresponding improvement from the introduction and conclusion,the paper isdivided intothefollowing four parts. The firstpart isabout thedefinition and value oftheexclusionary rules analyzing itsdefinition and value,we understand what exclusionary rulesofillegal evidence is,and how urgent thisruleshould beestablished anddeveloped inChina. 万方数据刑事非法证据排除规则问题研究 For thesecond part,thepaper teases out theexclusionary rulesof illegal evidence’S progress inChina from itshistoricalchange and the status。SOthatwe can have adeeper understanding. The thirdpart detailedanalyzes theexclusive ruleofcriminal illegal evidence and the problems faced when part respectively from theentity constructive rules,program implementation rulesandtherulesapplicablejudicial environment,there threeaspects,to make defective ways and unreasonable scope are themain bar