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文档介绍:Demand-Based Tree: Replica Update Propagation for Weak Consistency in the Grid Database Ruixuan Ge 1 , Yong-Il Jang 1 , Ho-Seok Kim 1 , Jae-Dong Lee 2 , Hae-Young Bae 1 1 Dept. puter Science & Information Engineering, INHA Univ. 2 Dept. puter Science, Dan Kook University ******@, ******@ , ******@ ******@, ******@ Abstract Since some replicas will be in greater demand than others, not all replicas can be treated in the same way. To satisfy requests as more as possible first in a shorter period of time, a fast consistency algorithm has been presented, whereas the poor performance is showed in multiple regions of high demand for forming the island of locally consistent replicas. Although a leader election method is proposed, much additional cost for periodic leader election, information storage, and message passing is required. Also, false leader can be created. In this paper, a tree-based algorithm for replica update propagation is proposed. Leader replicas with high demand, which are considered as the roots of tree, are interconnected by pointers. All the other replicas are sorted by geographical distribution and considered as nodes of the trees. Once an update occurs at any replica, the update should be propagated to the leader replicas first. Every node propagates the update to


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