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文档介绍:美国餐桌礼仪材料 1 Tableware1) Always put the napkin2)on your lap first. As the meal is served, use the one farthest from the plate first. Before you leave the table, fold your napkin and put it beside your plate. How to eat Wait until everyone has been served to begin eating. The host or hostess may invite you to start eating before everyone is served, since some foods may be cold if you wait until everyone is served. At this time, you should wait until three or four people have been served before starting to eat. During the meal, the host or hostess will offer you a second helping of food. When they ask, give a direct answer. If you refuse the first time, they might not ask you again. While eating, remember not to talk with your mouth full. When you have finished your meal, place your knife and fork side by side on the plate. This signals that you have finished eating. Dos and Don'ts At the table, ask others to pass you dishes that are out of your reach. Good phrases to know are: "Please pass the...." or "Could you hand me the..., please?" If asked to pass the salt to someone, you should pass both the salt and pepper which are placed on the table together. Hand the salt and pepper to the person seated next to you. Do not reach over the person next to you to pass anything to others. Do not lean on your arm or elbow while eating. You may rest your hand and wrist on the edge of the tabl