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文档介绍:华中科技大学硕士学位论文 Expert Dat8b毪so System(EDS)makes g。。d us。of management ofinfo矾anon of DataBaseManagement S)rstem(DBMS)and reasoning ofExpertSystem(HS).EDS s01Ve theloca甘zation ofES which can’t connect toData Ba∞(DB),leafning f如m othefs’s strong points toof转et one’s weakness Itmakes a旷eat deaIofknowledge can bedealwlth by ES iHh吨h e掰ci锄cy a11d芏t also h a、Te ability ofinter curront con打叫,distributcd tech玎olog y’error the other haIld,EDS makos DBMs hold expertkI】owledge aIld it cafl s01ve co瑚plex professjonal problem and^se i¨oiⅢellig哪t kVel_ (t)This paper reeo珏s枉Ⅵcts agone豫lexpe谯sys£eminto蛆cxp硪datab嚣se sys把m by inte盯atin足DB and so】veslhechoice,m缸ch and connict oft}Ie rtIlesand由cl wi【h and checkin善^nd itadds new knowledge扭possible si【ua£ it brings thecoopemtion ofmuch knowledge a|1dthethou曲t ofconveying howledge among several cmnodes toEDS inOrdcr plete knowledge base share among seVeral EDS And托enhances theknowledge capabiIity ofEDS,cxpands theknowledge source Of signal system and jmproVe the structute ofEDS. This systcm usc tightcoupUng as its stHlelure,that is,it use Relal主ve Da【aBase Management Syst锄(姻BMS) Iorep『e$em ∽d manage knowledge,acces8 and search huge knowledge. (2).1heapp|ying ofo“classi6eatlon torecognize syStem shows thatme system rcconstn】cted has not only Ihe same functlon as thc onginal system,but also i硼proVes sign面cantly thee师c1嘶cy orsystem and theV01umc ofknowIcdge bcmg processed Key啪rds:Exp猷跏tenl Producdon Systenl Know】。dgeBas。M髓嗒menl Syslem 华中科技大学硕士学位论文 1绪论人工智能是当今世界三大尖端技术之一,号家系统、模式识别、智能机器人被列为人工智能技术中最活跃的三个领域。人工智能‘开始就取得许多令人鼓舞的成绩, 它起源于人类智慧。专家系统起源于人类专家解决专门的问题的能力。随着人类社会的进步和科学技术的不断发展,特别是互连网技术和多媒体技术的发展,人工智能和专家系统得到勃勃生机。人工智能逐渐与数据库、多媒体等主流技术相结合, 使计算机更聪明、更有效、更接近人。专家系统、知识库技术、智能信息管理系统、智能决策支持系统、模式识别、自然语言解释、自动推理和机器学****等技术的拓展推广,取得了巨人的社会及经济效益。小型化、并行化、网络化、智能化成为当前计算机发展主流?。 ,人]:智能理论利方法丰要是以专家系统的形式得到应用;专家系统是一种具有特定领域内大量知识与经验的智能汁算机程序系统, 它应用人工智能技术、模拟人类专家求解问题的思维过程求解领域内的各种问题。人工智能的应用与号家系统的研制相互渗透,人工智能技术在专家系统