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(精)探析古龙武侠小说的创新之处 (1)(2).doc

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(精)探析古龙武侠小说的创新之处 (1)(2).doc

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(精)探析古龙武侠小说的创新之处 (1)(2).doc


文档介绍:安阳师范学院人文管理学院本科毕业论文(设计) 学号: 11510022 浅析古龙武侠小说的创新之处系别文学与传媒学院专业对外汉语班级 1101 姓名张远远指导老师董文会 2015 年4月 30号安阳师范学院人文管理学院本科毕业论文(设计) 摘要古龙,新武侠小说的领军人物。探其一生,就像是一颗流星,虽短暂,却耀眼。他的武侠创作理论就像是一股洪流,冲垮了以往创作附加在武侠小说上的枷锁。不仅如此,他还用自己的才华与勇气,完成了对武侠小说的改造,使武侠小说走向了更为宽广的领域。他将西方文学的创作手法运用于武侠小说的创作中, 又在武侠小说的创作中加入侦探推理情节,不仅使武侠小说脱离了固定的形式, 而且还拓宽了武侠小说的题材、丰富了小说的故事情节,使武侠小说再度走向中兴!而他自己也成了与梁羽生、金庸相比肩的武侠小说的大家,成了武侠小说史上一个不可忽视的璀璨之星!本文着重从武功、人性、语言、写作技巧四个方面阐述古龙对武侠小说的创新之处。关键词: 古龙, 新武侠小说, 人性,创新安阳师范学院人文管理学院本科毕业论文(设计) Abstract Cologne, leader of New Chivalry novels. Exploration of the life, is like a meteor, though short, but bright. His martial arts creation theory is like a torrent of water swept away the previous works, the shackles attached to the martial arts novels. Not only that, he also used his talent and courage, plete the transformation of the martial arts novels, the novels to the broader field. He will be the western literature creation technique used in the martial arts novels, detective story is added in the martial arts novels, not only make the martial arts novels from the fixed form, but also broaden the martial arts novels, enrich the plot of the novel, the martial arts novels again to renaissance! But he also pared with Liang Yusheng, Jin Yong's martial arts novels we shoulder, a martial arts novel the last can not ignore the bright star! This paper from the martial arts, humanity, language, writing on the innovation of martial arts novels his skills in four aspects. Keywords: Cologne, N ew martial arts novels, The human nature, I nnovation 安阳师范学院人文管理学院本科毕业论文(设计) 目录一、前言........................................................................................................................ 1 二、关于武功的创新.................................................................................................... 1 (一)招式简单,以奇致胜................................................................................. 1 (二)正义决胜负................................................................................................. 2 (三)武道结合,