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Video rate spectral imaging using a CA snapshot spectral imager Brady 2009.pdf.pdf

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Video rate spectral imaging using a CA snapshot spectral imager Brady 2009.pdf.pdf

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Video rate spectral imaging using a CA snapshot spectral imager Brady 2009.pdf.pdf


文档介绍:Video rate spectral imaging using a coded aperture snapshot spectral imager Ashwin A. Wagadarikar a, Nikos P. Pitsianis abc, Xiaobai Sun b, David J. Brady a aDepartment of Electrical puter Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC27708 bDepartment puter Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA cDepartment of Electrical puter Engineering, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki,54124, Greece ******@ Abstract: We have previously reported on coded aperture snapshot spectral imagers (CASSI) that can capture a full frame spectral image in a snapshot. Here we describe the use of CASSI for spectral imaging of a dynamic scene at video rate. We describe signi?cant advances in the design of the optical system, system calibration procedures and reconstruction method. The new optical system uses a double Amici prism to achieve an in-line, direct view con?guration, resulting in a substantial improvement in image quality. We describe NeAREst, an algorithm for estimating the instantaneous three-dimensional spatio-spectral data cube from CASSI’s two-dimensional array of encoded pressed measurements. We utilize CASSI’s snapshot ability to demonstrate a spectral image video of multi-colored candles with live ?ames captured at30frames per second. ?2009 Optical Society of America OCIS codes:() Spectrometers, () Imaging systems, () Spectrom- eters and spectroscopic instrumentation, () Coded aperture spectral imaging References and links . Mooney, V. Vickers, and A. Brodzik, “High throughput hyperspectral infrared camera,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A14, 2951–2961 (1997). . Volin, B. Ford, M. Descour, J. Garcia, D. Wilson, P. Maker, and G. Bearman, “High-speed spectral imager for imaging transient ?uorescent phenomena,” Applied Optics37(34), 8112–8119 (1998). . Hege, D. O’Connell, W. Johnson, S. Basty, and E. Dereniak, “Hyperspectral imaging for astronomy and space surveillance,” vol. 5159 ofProc. SPIE, pp. 380–391 (2003). . Johnson, D. Wi


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