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文档介绍:I 摘要迁徙自由权作为自由权的一种广为各国宪法、法律及国际性人权文件所接受, 而迁徙自由曾在 1954 年的中国宪法中出现,然后迫于现实的压力,先是由其它法律、法规和规章架空了这一权利,直至在宪法中取消了这项权利,自孙志刚案被揭露以来才又重新唤起人们对迁徙自由的重新思索,然而这种探讨仅停留在对迁徙自由概念和历史的阐述及立法规制上,大部分主张迁徙自由入宪。对如何平衡迁徙者的权利和迁入城市的利益未做过多讨论,在迁徙自由的限制方面也未深入到隐性限制的层面。因此本文从迁徙自由的内涵及性质、历史及启示、价值及限度、现实及困境、实现及保障五方面着手,对这一问题展开论述,以求对迁徙自由有个更为深入的剖析。本文分为五个部分。第一部分是阐述迁徙自由的内涵及性质,使读者加深对迁徙自由的理解。第二部分是迁徙自由的历史及启示,通过历史的脉络得出迁徙自由的经济基础、政治基础和现实基础。第三部分是迁徙自由的价值及限度,从个人、社会、国家三个层面对迁徙自由的价值进行阐释,再从迁徙自由设立限度的原因、原则和具体规定三方面对限度进行分析。第四部分是迁徙自由的现实及困境,我国现行宪法中没有关于迁徙自由的规定,而迁徙自由在利益平衡方面的困境是如何平衡被迁入地利益与迁徙者的权利,在迁徙自由限制方面的困境是对迁徙自由的限制只是笼统地作出规定,也缺少对隐性限制的关注。第五部分是迁徙自由的实现及保障,本文把迁徙自由的实现分近期、中期、晚期的渐进实现过程,对迁徙自由的保障从制度保障、文化保障、经济保障、社会保障和素质保障五个方面进行了论述。本文摆脱了以往对迁徙自由的研究集中在概念性质和立法规制的常规思路, 通过对迁徙自由的逐步深入地分析,提出了迁徙自由在利益平衡和限制方面的问题,并进而有针对性地提出了对策,使对迁徙自由的研究从外部入宪的视角转移到内部促成,在迁徙自由的隐性限制及社会保障等一系列相关制度的完善上多下工夫。关键词:迁徙自由; 显性限制;隐性限制; 保障 II Abstract As a right of freedom, th e freedom of migration has comprehensively adopted by the constitutions and statutes of every country. the freedom of migration used to be stipulated in the 1954 Constitution of China. However, for the r eason of the fact of those days, it was invalid by some other statutes, regulations of acts, it was even mopped from the constitution. Since the cas e of Sun Zhigang, people have been aroused to re-consider the freedom of migr ation .While it was re strained within the concept interpretation, the r ecalling of its history and the regulations of law, it was never written in the constitution. There were no mo re arguments on ho w to balance the migrators’rights and their be nefits to migrate to citie s. On the other hand, the restriction on migration has never gone furthe r into the invisible level. This essay began with the concept of the freedom of migration, its nature, history, value and limitation, its reality and its difficulties, its realization an d security, making a further argument on this kind of freedom. There are five parts in the essay. In the first part, the concep t of the freedom of