文档介绍:ABSTRACT Foreign trade is one of themajor 3 driving force of the economic theadoption ofreform and opening policy,Zhenjiang made significant development through theguidance ofexport-oriented foreign trade development scale of foreign trade plished high speed expansion from arelatively low startingpoint,market size and structure obtained ,with theharsh market environment domestic and abroad and theprice increase forallproduction elements,the strategy hasalready shown itsdisadvantages such asexport scaledecreasing,foreign modity structure deterioration,lagging behind forimportdevelopment leveland ratioof dependence on foreign tradedecline point thatneedsspecial attention with thesame domestic andforeigncondition,Zhenjiang’S import and export overall scalehad been bypassed byYangzhou and overall ranking within Jiangsu province ,in depth analysis the current development ofZhenjiang international trade andadjust thedevelopment strategy hassignificantimportance. This articlefirstindicate the current status ofZhenj iang’S international trade, then bybuilding international tradeSWOT model toanalyze theimportance for Zhenjiang to choose the coordinate trading policy base on petitive advantage. The thesis are divided into5major sections,the details are: Section 1, thebackground,purpose and meaning of choosing thistopic;illustrated the latestresearch results ofscholars home and aboard and made asummary ofthecontent,method,innovation insufficiency and theresultsoftheresearches, Section2,defining theconcept oftheresearch and thebasis ofthetheory, including the introduction ofbasic concept offoreign trade and foreign trade development strategy,the summary parative advantage,factor endowment, infantindustryprotection,Strategic Trade Policy and petitive Advantage ofNations;to build up thetheoretical foundation for thethesis. Section3,the major plishment