文档介绍:15 考研英语真题答案 1、 What 2、 Concluded 3、 On 4、 Compared 5、 Samples 6、 Insignificant 7、 know 8、 resemble 9、 also 10、 Perhaps 11、 to 12、 drive 13、 rather than 14、 benefits 15、 faster 16、 understand 17、 contributory 18、 tendency 19、 Ethnic 20、 see II prehension Part A ended his reign in embarrassment. 22. C to give voters more public figures to look up to 23. A the role of the nobility in modern democracy 24. D fails to adapt himself to his future role. 25. D Carlos, a lesson for all Monarchies 26. C check suspect's phone contents without being authorized. disapproval getting into one's residence 29. C citizens' privacy is not effectively protected new technology requires reinterpretation of the constitution journals are strengthening their statistical checks marked 33. D set an example for other journals 34. C has room for further improvement science joins Push to screen statistics in papers 36. D the consequences of the current sorting mechanism 37. A more journalists may be found guilty of phone hacking 38. C was hardly convincing 39. B generally distorted values 40. D moral awareness matters in editing a newspaper Part B If you are unfamiliar with words or idioms, you guess at their meaning, using … You make further inferences... Rather ,we ascribe meanings to... factors such as... Are we studying that ... Part C 46) 受到各种强大的动机所驱使,这场运动在荒野中开创了一个国家; 本质使然,它也塑造了这片未知大陆的性格和命运。 47) 有两股主要力量形成了美国: 一是欧洲移民带来的各式思想、风俗和民族特征, 二是这个新国家本身在融合上述特征之后带来的影响。 48) 但是,美国特有的地理条件、不同种族间的相互影响、以及在这片原始的新大陆上维持旧秩序的艰难,带来了巨大的变化。 49) 十五世纪和十六世纪的探索发现了北美洲, 又过了一百多年, 第一艘满载移民的航船跨过大西洋驶向这片土地,即现在的美国。 50) 原始的森林,有着种类繁多的林木,从缅因州往南一直绵延到乔治亚州,的确是一座宝库。写作部分小作文参考范文 Dear Friends, As the host of the ing reading session, I am writing the email to mend my favorite book to you, Tao Te Ching, which is written by Lao Tzu. The primary causes of my mendation are as follows. To begin with, it is the best-loved of all the classical books of China and the most universally popula