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文档介绍:内蒙古科技大学本科生毕业设计说明书题目:年产 580 吨青霉素发酵工段工艺设计学生姓名:李宁学号: 1068121222 专业:生物工程班级: 10-2 班指导教师:赵宏宇副教授内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书 I 年产 580 吨青霉素发酵工段工艺设计摘要本次毕业设计的任务是年产 580 吨青素发酵工段工艺设计。青霉素是由发酵法生产,主要用于人与动物的医治的使用。设计首先根据参考资料确定青霉素的发酵工艺流程,通过物料衡算确定需要 100 立方米发酵罐 8 台、 25 立方米的二级种子罐 3台以及 5立方米一级种子罐 6台,在此基础上得出各种发酵原料量, 通过能连衡算确定水,无菌空生气和蒸汽等的消耗量。然后对主要设备进行计算和选型, 得出发酵罐、种子罐及通用设备、非标准设备等的结构尺寸、冷却装置、传动装置,根据工艺要求确定罐的附属设备和辅助设备以及发酵过程中的优化控制。最后设计了发酵工厂的车间布局,提出了相应的公用工程、安全卫生与环境保护等辅助工艺。根据计算结果,设计了六张图纸,分别为发酵罐装配图、种子罐装配图、工艺管道及仪表流程图、厂房车间布置图、物料流程图和设备一览表。关键词:青霉素;发酵;工艺设计内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书 II The process design of the fermertation section with the capacity of 580 tons annually Abstract This isa process design about the fermentation section of penicillin , and 580 tons penicilli n can be produced by this design annually . Penicillin, produced by biosynthesis is mainly used for the treatment for human and animal. Firstly, according to the technical data, the technological flow of the penicillin fermentation is selected. Then the number of100m 3 fermentor ,25m 3 two seed pot and 5m 3a seed tank seed pot is8,3 and 6 is figured out according to material balance . Besides, the quantities of all kinds of raw materials are also worked out. The amount of water, aseptic air, stream is calculated by the law of mass conservation . Secondly, calculated and selected the main professional equipment and equipment type, containing the structure sizes, cooling equipment, gearing equipment and soon. According to the design requirement, other equipment s which are used in the fermentative equipment, and optimized control in fermentative production are also confirmed. Finally, the fermentative plant workshop layout, the corresponding public works, security, hygiene and environmental protection technology and other aids pleted . According to the results, allof the six drawings are finished, including the cutaway view of fermentor, the cutaway view of seed pot, the flow chart of process piping and instrumentation, the flow chart of workshop collocation, the mate


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