摘要 4
Abstract 5
1引言 6
2概述 6
LED的发明 6
LED工作原理 7
、LED发光机理 7
、LED发光效率 7
、LED电气特性 7
、LED光学特性 7
、LED热学特性 8
、LED寿命 8
3 LED照明应用的国内外现状 8
: 8
LED产业现状与发展趋势 9
4 LED的驱动方式简介及特点 12
阻容降压式原理及电路 12
电路原理 12
设计原则 13
开关式 13
、开关式稳压电源的基本工作原理 13
、开关式稳压电源的原理电路 14
PFC电路原理 19
PFC的定义 19
PFC 的分类 20
PFC主电路原理图 20
5 高效率恒流PWM开关电源 21
UC3842的主要性能特点 21
UC3842工作原理 22
PWM 22
DC/DC转换器 23
电流型PWM 23
启动电路 25
反馈电路 26
整流滤波电路 27
并联整流二极管减小尖峰电压 27
6 总结 28
主要参考文献 29
致谢 31
UC3842 采用固定工作频率脉冲宽度可控调制方式,共有8 个引脚,UC3842是开关电源用电流控制方式的脉宽调制集成电路。该集成电路主要特点有内含欠电压锁定电路,低起动电流,稳定的内部基准电压源,大电流推挽输出,工作频率可到 500kHz。本设计采用UC3842设计一款PWM开关电源,该电源同时具有恒压﹑横流驱动的特点。效率可达80%以上,非常适合LED照明应用,充分发挥LED的发光效率高,寿命长等特点。
关键字:效率开关 PFC PWM 驱动
This paper summarizes the principle of invention, LED lighting, LED to the application situation at home and abroad, the three drivers LED resistance and capacitance step-down type: driver, constant pressure, flow switch drive discussed in detail, and the design of a UC3842 LED efficiency constant-current PWM switch power, using fixed frequency UC3842 pulse width modulation patterns, controllable consists of eight feet, LED by current UC3842 is switch power control PWM integrated circuits. The main features are embedded integrated circuits, low voltage circuit owe the lock, stable internal starting current, voltage source current benchmark push-pull output, working frequency to 500kHz. This design UC3842 a PWM switch power, the power and the constant pressure, transverse drive features. Efficiency can reach more than 80%, very suitable for LED lighting applications, full of leds luminous efficiency, long life, etc.
Key words: efficiency switch PFC PWM