OpenID for Java Web applications, Part 1: Enable your Java
Web applications to use OpenID authentication
J Steven Perry, Principal Consultant, Makoto Consulting Group, Inc.
Summary: OpenID is a decentralized authentication protocol that makes it easier for
users to access resources in your Java™ Web applications. In this first half of a two-part
article, you'll learn about the OpenID Authentication Specification and walk through the
steps of incorporating it into a sample Java application. Rather than implement the OpenID
Authentication specification by hand, author J. Steven Perry uses the openid4java library
and a popular OpenID provider, myOpenID, to create a safe and reliable registration
process for a Java application written in Wicket.
Tags for this article: authentication, java, openid, openid4java, sign-on, single,
steve_perry, webs
OpenID is a decentralized authentication mechanism. Using OpenID, I can prove I own a
URI such as http://openid./steve, and I can use that identity to authenticate
myself with any site that supports OpenID — such as Google, Slashdot, or Wordpress.
Clearly, Open ID is great for end users. But using it got me to thinking: "What about using
OpenID to create a standard, reliable authentication system for the Java-based Web
applications I write for my customers?"
In this two-part article I will show you how to use the openid4java library and a
well-known OpenID provider, myOpenID, to create an authentication system for a
Java-based Web application. I'll also show you how to receive user information with an
OpenID Simple Registration Extension (SReg).
I'll start by explaining what OpenID is and showing you how to get an OpenID of your own.
Next, I will present a brief overview of how OpenID authentication works. Finally, I will
walk through the steps involved in performing OpenID authentication using openid4java. In
the second half of this article, you'll learn how to create your own O