摘要 I
1 绪论 1
选题背景 1
问题描述 1
供应链共享利益分配的研究方法 2
2 煤炭供应链共享 3
煤炭供应链共享的概述 3
煤炭供应链共享的要求 3
煤炭供应链共享的必要性 4
传统煤炭供应链管理的弊端 4
煤炭供应链共享的优势 4
煤炭供应链共享的分析 4
供应链共享管理的发展趋势 6
3 基于SHAPLEY值的煤炭供应链共享利益分配 8
Shapley值法的模型 8
数例分析 8
Shapley值法模型的不足 9
4 SHAPLEY值法模型的改进 11
修正算法 11
综合修正因子 11
修正后的利益分配模型 11
数例分析 11
考虑“联结依赖关系”的模型 12
联结依赖关系 12
基于Shapley值法联结依赖关系的模型 12
数例分析 13
基于Shapley值法的新模型 13
新模型的介绍 13
数例分析 14
基于Shapley值法新模型的算法优势 15
5 结论 16
参考文献 17
附录 18
附录1: 英文文献 18
附录2: 中文译文 26
关键词:Shapley值法, 供应链共享, 煤炭企业, 利益分配
The Interests Distribution of Supply Chain Sharing Based on Shapley Value Method
Abstract: Supply Chain Sharing which is a kind of new enterprise cooperation pattern is made up of independent economic entities which mon goals in petition and cooperation. Each entity in their fields of respective advantages (such as design, manufacturing, retail, etc.) contributes the core ability for the sharing supply chain to achieve reciprocal advantage, risk bear and shared interests. Supply Chain Sharing reduces the operation cost of the entire supply chain through the concerted action of cooperation enterprise, in order to realize the goal of cooperation benefit maximum. The biggest reason for attracting enterprises to form Supply Chain Sharing is to make own benefit maximum, but all of the enterprises are independent and have their own benefit pursuit; if the enterprises don’t get corresponding return for input, it must have an unf