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文档介绍:中文摘要每当我们欣赏油画作品,特别是那些大师的杰作时,我们会为其油画的特有魅力而震惊和赞叹,这种魅力除了作品的内容、构图、造型及色彩等因素外,还有油画的表层所共同营造出的一种美感。画家按照塑造形象和表现主题的需要运用多种艺术表现手法,对画面表层分布加以合理安排,使其成为一个生动完美的画面。这种运用多种不同的手法组织成的画面表面状态,我们称之为画面表面结构。艺术家如何正确、恰当的运用画面表面结构使它与作品的内容、思想、情感和造型、色彩等有机结合,真正体现表面结构的审美价值,如何找到适合自己的艺术语言来表达属于个人化的观念和想法,这对于艺术家来说是很主要的。为此,本文通过以下几个方面对油画的表面结构加以详尽地论述:首先,论述表面结构的概念、类型及其表现方式;然后了解表面结构在西方与中国的发展状况;再次,研究表面结构的运用规律;最后,阐述表面结构的审美价值。关于油画的表面结构,无论从东西方的观点来看,目前还不存在一个界定性的、权威的阐述,对于那些长期以来就渴望对油画进行深入研究的艺术家来说,一个事实是,与表面结构有关的分散、无序的文献资料随意搁置,却很少有针对性,使发展时间不长的表面结构的学术梳理变得纷繁复杂,所以此论文的研究角度比较新,可以使艺术家们找到自己的绘画语言,找到与世界沟通的方式。关键词画面的表面结构审美价值表现技法绘画语台 Abstract When we enjoy an oil painting especially of a master's, we will definitely be touched and surprised by the charm of the painting. The charm does not only include contents, composition, modeling and color of paintings but also anesthetic feelings created by the surface layer of paintings. A painter according to the object and theme of a painting applies various methods to compose the surface state of a picture that is called the surface structure of a tableau. It is important for an artist to know how to appropriately deal with the surface structure of a tableau in order to make it in accordance with contents, thought, emotions, modeling and color of a painting and thus reflect the aesthetic value of the surface structure of a tableau. The equally important for an artist is to find out one's best artistic language to express one's own ideas. Therefore, the paper is intended to probe into the surface structure of a painting from the following aspects: first, the idea, typology and ways of reflection of surface structure; next, the development of surface structure in the West and China; then, the law of appliance of studies on surface structure; last, exploration of aesthetic value of surface structure. As regard to the su