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文档介绍:Abstract Bluetooth iS atechnology specification for low—~range radio 1inks between portable devices and any other devices that need to replace their wire connection. Bluetootb system provides voice and data serviees for both point—to—point and point—to—multi—point has a very bright cormlercial is important to owe the key technology of Bluetooth. The hardware design is important for Bluetooth baseband controller implements the functions of the Lower Link Controller,it iS a core aspect of Bluetooth hardware development. Because IP core iSreusable,it iS important for ICdesign,and italso will fast the development of 81uetooth hardware. The thesiS briefly introduces the background of the Bluetooth system, describes the detai ls of the Bluetooth hardware blocks,points out the key part and hard part of the hardware thesiS introduces the principles and process ofIPdesign,analyzes the architecture ofbaseband specification,gives out akind ofdivided hardware blocks blocks design scheme isalso given out. Based on the Bluetooth specification l。1,the thesis studies the detailS of the algorithms of the base band specifications,and designs blocks of error detection,data whitening,hop selection kernel andBhetooth security which include encryption and details of the blocks design are simulation shows that the blocks function well of the B1uetooth baseband. future development of thebaseband core iSpointed future of B1uetooth application and itS development iS alSO diSCUssed. Key word:BIuetooth:IP:Baseband:Encryption:Athentication 蓝牙基带IP核研究与设计 0引言”∞ 1997年7月,,2000年12月,,,这标志着蓝牙已经成为一个具有重要地位的协议, 成为国际上短距离无线数字通信的主流协议之一,并且给信息产业带来新的发展机遇。蓝牙技术作为一种小区域无线互联技术面得到人们的重视。小区域无线应用系统的设备发射功率小,有利于频率资源的复用,较好地解决了宽带和大容量这一矛盾,同时也减小了电磁波对人体辐射所产生的危害。另外,它能最大限度地利用各种固定设备, 有利于和互联网联结。蓝牙具有低功耗、低成本和比较灵活等特点,它的应用空间极为广阔,主要应用集中在以下几个方面:代传统的数据电缆


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