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文档介绍:题目贪吃蛇游戏设计学生姓名代燕子学号 1109064022 所在学院数学与计算机科学学院专业班级信息与计算科学指导教师权双燕完成地点陕西理工学院 2015 年 05月 22日陕西理工学院毕业论文贪吃蛇游戏设计作者:代燕子( 陕西理工学院数学与计算机科学学院信息与计算科学专业 1101 班级,陕西汉中 723000 ) 指导老师:权双燕[ 摘要] 伴随着科学技术的发展, 人们都渴望在不工作的时候有一些娱乐活动, 而贪吃蛇这一款游戏正好符合大众的心理。所以,为了迎合许多用户的需求,才开发了这款叫做贪吃蛇的小游戏, 并且这款小游戏适合各阶层人士,此外它还具有很强的娱乐性和交互性。这款游戏之所以叫贪吃蛇, 其真正用意并不是告诉人们要贪心, 它所传递的精神是人们只有不断努力地向前才能得到自己想要的,食物就像现在社会存在的机会,而人们只有找好自己的目标才能成功。尽管现在市面上存在的游戏版本很多, 可是贪吃蛇的市场还是很大的。原因就在与它能引人入深,爱不释手。随着游戏速度的逐渐加快,其刺激性也更强。可以说该游戏的优势不仅在于它的简单易行,而且在于它很快顺利的运行。对于那些在外忙忙碌碌的人们,想让他们花费大量的时间在大型游戏上显然是不可能的,但是小游戏却刚好能够迎合他们的需求。论文首先简单介绍了开发工具,然后从需求分析、概要设计、详细设计与实现等方面介绍了贪吃蛇游戏的设计与实现过程,最后给出了贪吃蛇的运行与测试情况。[ 关键词] 贪吃蛇;C 语言; C++ 语言;函数;游戏陕西理工学院毕业设计(论文) Design of gluttonous snake game Author :Dai YanZi ( Grade11,Class1,Information puting science Major,Mathematics puting Science Dept, Sh aanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000,Shaanxi) Tutor: Quan ShuangYan [ Abstract ] With the development of science and technology ,many people are eager to have some entertainment activities when they donot need to work ,and gluttonous snake game cater to the psychology of the masses exactly .In order to cater to the demands of many users, we develop the little game called gluttonous snake .what ’s more, the game isnot only suitable for people from all works of life, but it has also strong entertainment and interaction. The reason why the game called gluttonous snake isnot that it asks us tobe greedy but to doour best to work hard in order to get what we want. The food that the snake eats just like opportunity and We only have to find their own goals to eed. Although there are many of version of the game on the market ,but the market of the game is still very large .The reason is that it does not make us toput it down. With the gradual speed up the game speed, the irritation is also stronger. The advantage of this game can be said is that it's not only easy, but also that it will soon run smoothly. For those people outside the busy, want them to spend a lotof time on the big


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