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【精品】工程管理专业 毕业论文文献翻译 中英文对照.doc

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【精品】工程管理专业 毕业论文文献翻译 中英文对照.doc



系别: 管理系
专业: 工程管理
班级: 管072
学号: 2007310223
外文出处: Project Manager’s Spotlight on Risk Management
Kim Heldman
Defining Risk Response Plans
You’ve identified your risks, analyzed them for their impacts on the project, assigned probabilities and impact values, determined an expected value, and ranked them in order. You’ve also determined which of the risks, given all those conditions, require response plans. This chapter discusses what risk response plans are, the techniques for developing response plans, and how to document and write plans for those risks that have a high probability and high impact on the project. Let’s get to it.
Risk Response Planning
Risk Response Planning is the process of deciding what actions to take to educe threats (especially to schedule and cost) while taking advantage of he opportunities other risks present.
Typically, you’ll want to develop risk response plans for risks with the potential for high probability and high impact. It isn’t efficient to spent time writing response plans for risks you’ve determined aren’t likely to occur and won’t impact the project significantly if they do. For example, if I’m building a tourist center in the Mojave Desert, I wouldn’t spend time on a risk response plan for the possibility of rain(It does rain in the Mojave an average of inches per year), so the possibility exists, but it’s highly unlikely it would impact my project. I’ll deal with these types of risks in the
“Contingency Planning” section a little later in this chapter.
Remember that risk management planning, including the development of risk response plans, isn’t a one-time exercise. As you progress through the project and learn more about potential risk events, you’ll reevaluate their impacts, which may require a change in strategy to deal with the risk and a new or revised response plan. And even though I’ve focused primarily on risks that preven