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文档介绍:Moby Dick ------Of the relation between human beings and nature 姓名:浮保永学号: 20120201531 班级: 2012 级英语本科九班 Moby Dick Key words: Whaler Moby Dick harmony symbolism self – destruction . Melville ,who is called American Shakespeare has written a world-famous novel, which represents the basic idea of his view of the world .In this novel, a whal revenge against Moby Dick without giving upa man who has strong desire. However, His revenge ends in tragedy because of believing his own power too much . Thinking about this novel carefully ,we will find out easily that the white whale s ymbolizes nature and the Captain Abad stands for human beings . Actually ,This novel is petition between the power nature and that of human beings .In my eyes ,not only we should be grateful to our parents for taking good care of us ,we should also thank the nature for providing us with abundant resources that make us survive and prosper .More often , it is our fault blinded by greed ,we take it for granted that we are the only master of the universe and we can get anything we want from nature regardless of the results .However, as Grand hi once put it .Earth provides enough to satisfy every man ‘s g