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文档介绍:跨文化交际 Unit 1: Economic globalization: the integration of national economic into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. Barter system: munities traded their surplus produce in exchange for products and services without the medium of money. Global village : all the different parts of the world form munity linked together by munications, especially the . Melting pot :a socio-cultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationalities. Culture :a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior ofa relatively large group of people. Cultural diversity : the mix of people from various backgrounds in the labor force with a full mix of cultures and sub-cultures to which members belong. Communication : meaning to share with or to mon, as in giving to another a part to share of your thoughts, hopes, and knowledge. munication : communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol systems are distinct enough alter munication event (-10). Components munication Source : The source is the person with an idea he or she desires municate. Encoding : Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol. Message : The term message identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process ,the verb; the message is the resulting object.