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上传人:yzhlyb 2016/4/13 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:Reviewer #1: This manuscript is premature. The authors need to show that adenosine itself does not give the signal in the absence of any modification of the gold surface. The electrochemical reaction corresponding to the observed signal needs to be determined. Why does the signal decrease asa logarithmic function of concentration? Is adenosine binding reversible? Reviewer #2: Comments on the Manuscript: Title: "An electrochemical biosensor for detection of adenosine using a bifunctional oligonucleotide aptamer probe" Manuscript Number: JCSC-D-14-00764 The manuscript by Yanli Sun essentially deals with the development of electrochemical biosensor for the detection of adenosine using aptamer asa probe. Author has employed differential pulse voltammetric technique to monitor the sensing events. Although the idea looks good and publishable, there are a lot of ambiguities in the results. Moreover the novelty and originality of the work is vaguely defined and it is not clearly stated in the manuscript. Further the claims made by authors are not supported by sufficient experimental results. In fact, I urge authors to provide supplementary file consisting of results that support the claims made by author. So, I mend a MAJOR REVISION for the manuscript. ments are provided below. 1. What is the novelty and originality of the work? This has to be mentioned clearly in the manuscript? 2. Pr


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