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上传人:gyzhluyin 2016/4/13 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:国家英语四级考试阅读解题技巧答案是[C) 。定冠词出现处,一般来说,其所指示的对象已在上文出现过。因此 the officia l 暗示, 其含义相当的某种人已在上文出现。根据上下文知, offical 是指上文刚提到的 my referees 。 6) 选项内容全面、概括性强的,一般是答案项。例(’ 95年1 月第 3篇) There are several factors that contribute to wisdom . Of these l should put first a sense of proportion : the capacity to take account Of all the important factors ina problem and to attach to each its due weight . Q: According to the author ,“ wisdom ” is the ability to [A]carefully consider the bad effects of any kind Of research work [B]give each important problem some careful consideration [C]acquire a great deal plex and special knowledge [D]give suitable consider action to all the possible dements ina problem 答案是[D] 。什么是 wisdom( 智慧)呢?[A] , [B] , [C] 各项都是智慧的某一方面,而不是对整个智慧的概括,而[D] 中使用了表恰当程度的词 suitable 和 possible 因而不显极端;使用了 consideration 及 elements 使文章抽象程度提高,增强了概括性。因而[D] 是合适的选项。三、推理判断题 1 .命题规律 1) 综合性推论和判断试题常会围绕文章出题。要求将篇首、篇尾、段落中主题句,概括归纳并从中推断出全文主题。 2) 合性推论和判断题还可围绕文章若干段落进行,要求推论和判断出段落间的关系。 3) 支持主题思想的细节部分常被考。这些细节部分表现形式多样,可以是列举、例证、实验人物论断等,要求考生对这部分内容进行判断推理。 4) 文章或段落开头处,尤其是文章结尾总结处常考 5) 语义转折处常考 2 .应试技巧 1) 若要求对某段内容进行判断、推论、那么就只看题干要求做答的那一段。例: (’ 96年6 月第 1篇) Exchange a glance with someone , then look away . Do you realize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for a second longer , and you have made a different statement . Hold it for 3 seconds , and the meaning has changed again . Q: It can be inferred from the first