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上传人:gyzhluyin 2016/4/13 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:the research of chain operation I ntroduction: In China,KFC,MacDonad ’s can be saw everywhere,where there is people ,there are KFC and MacDonad ’ , the develop of traditional chinese food restaurant make Chinese disappointed ,in the final analysis , they don ’t have unifed name ,unifed purchase ,unifed destribution,unifed price,unifed service,nuifed advertise,unifed manegement and unifed accounting,which they can ’nize a chain ,if the chain operation can be true some day ,we can met the “ spring ” of the traditional Chinese restaurant .Thus ,it is necessary for us to know the advantage of the chain operation and applied it in our industry . L iterature review: T he advantage of C hain operation 1)“ the eight unified ” 2)Increasing the market share 3) Strengthen the corporate image ; 4)Improve petetive; 5)Lower operating expenses; 6)Guide the production area; 7)increase the job opportunity; 8) good for customers ’ choice; logistics strengths 1) systemstic of the logistic of chain manegement; 2) the retionalization of the logistic of chain manegement; 3) the standardiazation of the logistic of chain manegement; 4) The core chain management Studies on the status quo of China ’s chain operation Abstract : In this paper ,there are two ways to explore the advantages of the chain operations , noting that the development of chain management system can improve the b