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四年级英语下册Unit 4课件.ppt.ppt

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四年级英语下册Unit 4课件.ppt.ppt

上传人:kisuamd347 2016/4/13 文件大小:0 KB


四年级英语下册Unit 4课件.ppt.ppt


文档介绍:Unit 4 Buying fruit The first period (part B C) 三周小学程艳--What ’ s this ? _______ are apple s. They What are _________? these --It ’ s an apple . th is Chin ese th ese 这些 Sound practice: ch eese (奶酪)Japan ese (日语) Phrases: these apple s , these girl s, these book s… grape s They are grapes. gr ape 葡萄 gr een t ape What are these? They ’ re grape s. What are those? They ’ re peach es . th at n ose th ose 那些 Sound practice: cl ose( 关) p ose( 造型) Phrases: those peach es those teacher s … What are these ? They ’ re oranges . What are those ? They ’ re peaches . What are these ? They ’ re grapes . What are those ? They ’ re watermelons . these , these ,what are these ? apple s ,apple s ,they are apple s. those , those ,what are those ? grape s ,grape s ,they are grape s. 同学们,今天所学的内容你都明白了吗? 挑战一下下面的题目吧!相信自己! Read,choose and write: (this,these) is an apple. (this,these) apples are small. ’ s ______( that,those ) over there? What are _______( that,those)over there? _____( it,they ) grapes? are_____(apple,apples ). This These that those they apples


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