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四年级英语下册Unit 7课件1.ppt.ppt

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四年级英语下册Unit 7课件1.ppt.ppt

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四年级英语下册Unit 7课件1.ppt.ppt


文档介绍:Unit 7 Would you like , would you like, What would you like ? I′d like , I′d like , I′d like a / an … 12 3 456 78 9 noodles sweets biscuits hamburger a cup of coffee pie a glass of juice some chocolate a cup of tea n oo dles sw ee ts bisc ui ts 〔 u:〕p ie s h a mb ur gers chocol a te t ea coff ee j u ice m i lk 〔i:〕〔i〕〔 ai〕〔?〕〔?:〕〔?〕〔 i:〕〔i〕〔 u:〕〔i〕 Say a chant What, what, what would you like? Noodles,noodles , some noodles. Anything, anything, anything else? Biscuits,biscuits , Some biscuits. 1 23 一、填空 p es ()h mb gers ( ) sw ts() bisc ts() n dles () chocol te() t ()c ff() j ice ()m lk() 二、中英互译 1、 Anything else? 2 、 How much are they ? 3、你想要点什么? 三、改错 1、I′d like some hamburger . 2 、 How much is they ? 一、填空 pi es (馅饼) ha mb u r gers ( 汉堡包) sw e e ts(糖果) bisc u i ts(饼干) n o o dles (面条) chocol a te(巧克力) t e a(茶) co ff e e(咖啡) j u ice (果汁) m i lk(牛奶) 二、中英互译 1、 Anything else? 2 、 How much are they ? 3、你想要点什么? 三、改错 1、I′d like some hamburger . 2 、 How much is they ? What would you like? hamburgers are the new words “ 5+1 ” in your copywork . (抄写新单词“ 5+1 ”) write down Part C in the Book. (把 Part C 的对话写在书本上。) a dialog (和同桌编一个小吃店购物的小对话。)