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Coexistence of Charge Order and Spin-Peierls Lattice Distortion in One-anic.pdf

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Coexistence of Charge Order and Spin-Peierls Lattice Distortion in One-anic.pdf



文档介绍:arXiv:cond-mat/0301208v1 [cond--el] 14 Jan 2003 Letter Typeset with <> Coexistence of Charge Order and Spin-Peierls Lattice Distortion in One-anic Conductors MakotoKuwabara, HitoshiSeo 1,2and MasaoOgata 3 Molecular Photoscience Research Center (MPRC), Kobe University, Hyogo 657-8501, Japan 1Correlated Electron Research Center (CERC), AIST Tsukuba Central 4, Ibaraki 305-8562, Japan 2Domestic Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo 102-8471, Japan 3Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan (Received February 2, 2008) The electronic properties of quarter-anic materials showing spin-Peierls tran- sition are investigated theoretically. By studying the one-dimensional extended Peierls- Hubbard model analytically as well as numerically, we ?nd that there is petition between two di?erent spin-Peierls states due to the tetramized lattice distortion in the strongly correlated regime. One is panied by lattice dimerization which can be in- terpreted as a spontaneous Mott insulator, while the other shows the existence of charge order of Wigner crystal-type. Results of numerical densitymatrix renormalization putations on su?ciently large system sizes show that thelatter is stabilized in the ground state when both the on-site and the inter-site Coulomb interactions are large. KEYWORDS: organi


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