文档介绍:Leon ard o Jo urn a l of Scien ces I S SN 1 583 -023 3 Issue 7, J u ly-Dece m b er 2005 p. 1 7 - 2 2 Preservation of Passion Fruit Juice U. G. AKP AN and A. S. KOVO Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Technology, 65, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria, kovoabdulsalami@ Abstract Production and preservation of Passion Fruit Juice was exam i n ed to reduce the spoilag e and to inc r ease the she l f lif e of the juice using chem ical preserv a tives. The preserv a tion of the juice was carried out using sugar, benzoic acid, citric and b ination of citric and benz oic acid under room temperature. The result revealed that the juice mainta ined its color, arom a and tas t es for at least one month whe n 30% benzoic acid was used as preservative. This happens to be the best am ong all. The juice under other preservation like 4% sugar went bad after three days, while th at of 4% citric a c i d m a intained its qualities for one week and som e days, but thereafter th e aro m a started to fade. b ination of 3 % benzo i c acid an d 4 % citr ic ac id m a intain ed the qualities of the juice fairly between two to three weeks. The alcoholic content was also es tim a ted and it was disco v ered th at the juice con t ain i ng citric acid and sugar has the highest percentage of alcohol. The preservation used also alte red the p H