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文档介绍:Acknowledgements After severalmonths,plete my Rill SOhappy totellmy parents that isgreatprogress forme and understand thatI cannot finish thiswork withoutthesepeople who willshow my thankfulness inmy whole life,including my tutor, my classmatesandmy parents. Firstly,my deepest gratitude goes tomy supervisor,Associate Professor Zhang Jinghui, whose helpful suggestions,constant encouragement andilluminating instructions have helped my thesisreach itspresent form Secondly,high praise shallbepaid toProfessor Gao Jihai,whose profound knowledge of English andelegant temperament triggermy true loveforthis beautiful also greatly indebted toProfessor Guan Hefeng and Professor JiaoXiaoting,who have instructed andhelped me alotinthepast threeyears. Then,my thanks would go tomy friends around withpeople ofthesame age, always learn themost usefulways ofdealing wim thetroublesome have put considerable timeand effortsintomy drafts. Last but not least,I Rl'nindebted tomy lovely parents fortheirpatient encouragement and continuous have been helping me out ofdifficultiesandsupporting me without aword alsofeelgrateful his sincere love,I love thisworld more thisl(indoffeeling provides mewithgreatpower during this seemingly unbearable joumey. 关于学位论文独创声鞠和拳术谶德承诺拳久向河南戈学提出硕士擎往申靖。本人郑重声啧:所茎亵骑学位论文是本人在导师的指导下独立囊威的,对所辑鬻的课霸有新妁霓解。,括我所知,除炙中特别加躁说翳。榕潼和簸谢两墙方讣,话囊中添短器其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成暴,也不包籀其牺人为获蒋经钶教育、。在此本人郑重承溉糯黑交的学位谂文不存在舞弊律伪行为,交贵自负。学拉申请人(学位论文诈者)签客:.。-三邑丝. 。作药学位话更的诈者,岑人完全了解并廊意河南走学有荚薅鸳,使用学位论文绚要求,印河南大学有权向国家图书馆、科研信息机桷、数据收集机构和本授蹲书馆等提供学往论文(纸质文本和电子文本)以供公众检索,、展览学较学术发展和进行学术交流等目的,可以采取影译、缩印。扫描争拷贝等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文<纸质文本和电子文本)。(涉及保密内容的学位论文在解密后适用本攘权书) 学位获得者(学位蝴荆签名I盈醯: 201 学棱论文指导教师签锫: Abstract Graduated from Northwestern University,the American writer,journalist andreporter N. once p