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文档介绍:O ne of the most important movements in China is the discovery of their own country by young Chinese intellectual generation ago the most progressive of their fathers were beginning to feel a stirring discontent with their own country. They were conscious, indeed the consciousness was forced upon them, that China as she had been in the past was not able to meet the dangerous and aggressive modernity of the west. I do not mean the political modernity so much as the march of economic, educational and military events. T hese Chinese fathers, fathers of the present generation in China, were the real revolutionists. T hey forced out of existence the old dynastic rule, they changed with incredible speed the system of education, with indefatigable zeal they planned and set upa scheme of modern government. No ancient government under an emperor ever plished with more imperial speed such tremendous changes in so great a country. 青年学者对于本国的热心探讨是当今中国的一场重要运动。上一世代, 他们父辈中之进步分子, 对于本国之现状早已骚然, 心怀失望。他们慢慢觉醒,确切而言是憬然自觉;中国倘若墨守历来之故辙,确不足以抵挡危险而担当极具挑战性的西方文明之敌手。我所讲的现代性与其说是政治, 倒不如说是经济、教育和军事的变革更重要。这一辈父老, 当代中国人的父老, 是真正的革命者。他们推翻了专制政权, 并用不可思议的速度革新了教育制度, 他们用不屈不挠的精神筹划并建立了现代的共和政体。在这样一个伟大的国家里过去任何一代帝王政权都未曾以此等神速完成这样伟大的变革! In this atmosphere of change, the present intellectual youth of China has grown up. W here the father imbibed the doctrines of Confucius and learned the classics and revolted against them, thes


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